It's sunday and as I sit here bored, watching the Giants suck until the 4th quarter, drinking a shitty Dunkin Donuts coffee from the campus union - I thought of a question. If you could, who would you trade lives with? And I don't mean who would you want to be for a day or a week. I mean who would you trade LIVES with, forever. So I thought for a little and threw together my list of the top 5 people I would trade with. (In Order):
5. Johnny Sins
Self explanatory.
4. Justin Bieber
Go ahead and get your laughs out now. Let me know when you're done. Think of it from my view. The kid can sing his way into anything, has a net worth on the upwards of $110 million, and Dated Selina Gomez! Even though they just broke up, that was his FIRST girlfriend so I wouldn't doubt him coming back strong with his next girl. Also switching with Biebs is just like switching with a younger Justin Timberlake. Bieber has a whole life ahead of him which is cool to. So while you're laughing at me and my premature body, I'll be giggling to the bank with a kick ass voice and 70 million screaming teenage girls waiting for me to sign their coloring books after the shows. Points me.
3. Barney Stinson
Legen..... Wait for it... DARY! Barney Stinson, not N.P.H., I want the life that Barney lives in 'How I Met Your Mother'. The dude is just a killer with ladies, has a sick apartment, a great group of friends, and a kick-ass collection of suits. Barney is the guy we all aspire to be like. The guy who always has the right funny thing to say at the bar. Barney is a lot like the big sharks that swim in the ocean who have a lot of little bitchy fish swim behind him to get scraps of food and stuff. He makes it happen, Suit up!
2. Gronk
I don't care how much I hate the Pats, this dude is fucking awesome. He is the best TE in football hands down, on a very prestigious NFL team, and he's that typical perfect looking football dude. He scores three touchdowns on Sunday, and then goes out and gets wasted looking for porn stars to bring home. He reminds me a lot like Thad from Blue Mountain State. Kinda just that college football dream, but he actually does it. Oh yeah and Nicky Whelan -->that really hot chick from the movie 'Hall Pass' tweeted at him the other day looking to hang out with him. Which really makes it easy for me to put him at #2 because she is too hot.
1. Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul is the actor that plays Jesse Pinkman in 'Breaking Bad'. The dude is just so cool! His wife is crazy hot, he's an amazing actor in the best tv show ever made (unofficial stat), and just seems like a very likeable guy. I think being him would be cool, because you're famous, and verified on twitter. But I still feel like you can live a somewhat normal life. Also, actors have to have the best lives ever. They can kinda do whatever they want too which is cool. Rock on Aaron, keep livin the dream.
Honorable Mentions:
Travis Pastrana, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Wiz Khalifa, Richard Branson, Eli Manning, My Brother
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