December 18, 2012

Fuck You Finals

This shit sucks. I've been studying for two days straight. The ever-so-coveted Winter Break is in the horizon. My twitter feed is filled with friends from home drinking an absurd amount of alcohol, doing cool drugs, and giving negative amounts of fucks. They actually owe a few fucks for not ever giving any. And here I am stuck at school reading about kids that throw up after they eat and how it's a mental disorder. Awesome. I have thought long and hard about how to cruise through finals without worrying, stressing, or any of that not-fun shit. But there is just no way for me at least. Finals suck any way you slice it for most people. So as much as I want to be funny, or blog more - I can't. Because finals suck everything good out of everything that has anything.

Here's a video to make you happy momentarily while you break from studying

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